Memory Eternal!

  • Betty Ewanish, William Zemko, Mary Gula, Mykola Prychodczenko, Oleksander Dymtro, Mark Vuksanovich, Vladyslav Chudakorov, Anna Adamovich, Soldier Serhiy.
  • All Who died during the war in Ukraine.

With the Saints, O Christ,  give rest to Thy Servant  where sickness and sorrow are no more, neither sighing, but everlasting life.

Memory Eternal

Vichnaya Pamyat

Вічная Пам'ять


Social Media


​​​​​​​Upcoming Events / Parish News

  • Adult Study & Fellowship ​6pm at the church downstairs.
    •  Classes: to be scheduled after Pascha (Easter)
  • Tuesday, July 23, 7pm - Church Board Meeting
  • July 24-28 - 77th Annual UOL Convention, Philadelphia, PA
  • Sunday, ​July 28, 12pm-8pm – Serbian Day Picnic
    • Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church at 39 Laird Ave, Youngstown, OH
  • ​Sunday, August 4th - JR UOL Meeting & Election of Officers
    • Taking place after liturgy
  • Saturday, August 24 at 5:00pm - Ukrainian Picnic – celebrating the Ukrainian Independence Day
  • September 13-15, 2024 - 100th Anniversary of Sts. Peter & Paul Parish Celebration.​​​



Sunday Bulletins

July 21st, 2024

July 14th, 2024


Bingo games are held on every Monday and the first Wednesday of the month at The Orthodox Center.  Doors open at 4:45 pm. Bingo begins at 6:45 pm.      Tel:  330.799.3830

Memorials & Tributes Online

If you would like to place the name of a loved one on our website for a small donation, either as a memorial or a tribute for a special occasion, please go to our contact page and send an email to the webmaster.   A photo can also be  included. The ad will be online for one month.




​1025 N. Belle Vista Ave.
Youngstown, OH  44509

Fr. Mykola Zomchak, Parish Priest

Anna Anderson, Choir Director

4th Sunday after Pentecost Healing of the Centurion's Servant 

Tone 3 Troparion (Resurrection)

Let the heavens rejoice! Let the earth be glad! For the Lord has shown strength with His arm. He has trampled down death by death. He has become the first born of the dead. He has delivered us from the depths of hell, and has granted to the world// great mercy.

  • 2:31

Prayer List

Please pray for healing, comfort, and spiritual peace of:

  • Metropolitan Anthony, Archbishop Daniel, Bernard Gnat, Dolly Mehalco, Jeff Ulbrich, Elaine Cartier, Ann & George Klein, David & Richard Scharba, Brittany, Matt, Stephen Shonn, Selma, Thelma Zemko, Artur Bohuslav, Bohdan, Lori Hayda, Shirley Duffy, Michele (Senediak) Caulder, Dobrodiyka Lilya, Sandy, Marilyn O`Leary, Alice Dobransky, Harold Owens, Dave Zylka, Marianne Carmack, Nicholas Yurchyk, Pauline Witkowsky, Eileen Maluk, Peter Anderson, Albert Auden, Michael Gino Maluk, Boris & Kathleen Vuksanovich, Kathy Zebel.
  • People suffering from all illnesses.
  • All Ukrainian people who are suffering from the war.

Prayer for the Sick

​​O Christ, Who alone art our Defender: Visit and heal Thy suffering servant (name) delivering him (her) from sickness and grievous pains. Raise him (her) up that he (she) may sing to Thee and praise Thee without ceasing, through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Thou Who alone lovest mankind. Amen.

Sts. Peter and Paul 

Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Святі Петро і Павло Українська Православна Церква

100th Anniversary Information


  • Friday, September 13, 6 PM – Vespers Service, followed by refreshments
  • Saturday September 14, 9:30AM – HIERARCHICAL DIVINE LITURGY | Consecration of the Bell & Belfry | Banquet: 1pm
  • Sunday, September 15, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 12th Sunday, Parish Fellowship

Upcoming Services​​ & Feast Day Schedule


  • ​Sunday, July 28, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 5th Sunday – at the Cemetery Chapel
    • ​Fr. Andrew Gall substituting on July 28
  • Sunday, August 4, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 6th Sunday
  • Sunday, August 11, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 7th Sunday
  • Sunday, August 18, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 8th Sunday
  • Monday, August 19, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, the Holy Transfiguration of our Lord.
  • Saturday, August 24 - Ukrainian Potluck Picnic at 5pm by the rectory.
  • Sunday, August 25, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 9th Sunday, Blessing of cars after Liturgy
  • Wednesday, August 28, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, Dormition of the Mother of God.
  • Sunday, September 1, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 10th Sunday
  • Sunday, September 8, 9:30AM – Divine Liturgy, 11th Sunday